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your story matters
You are the hero in the story called your life. As your coach, I will be your guide. You cannot rewrite the chapters that already happened in your life, but there are blank pages in front of you. How would you like your story to continue? I will support you to make this next chapter count!
Chapters in Life
Life is beautiful, isn't it? But sometimes we don't know, where we should go, what we should do and who we want to be. A coach will challenge you to think, to be honest with yourself and to figure out your next move.
Coaching because you have only one chance to write each chapter in your life.
And I am here for you! How?

Everybody needs a coach...
every famous athlete, every famous performer, has somebody who is a coach. Somebody who can watch what they are doing and say, `is that what you really meant?`...somebody who can give them perspective.
- Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO -
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